"Educating Your Child in Modern Times: How to Raise an Intelligent, Sovereign & Ethical Human Being"

Educating Your Child in Modern Times: How to Raise an Intelligent, Sovereign & Ethical Human Being
ISBN 978-0974164106


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Educating Your Child in Modern Times: How to Raise an Intelligent, Sovereign & Ethical Human Being (2nd Edition)

by , , ,

Paperback, 98 Pages, Published

ISBN-10: 0-9741641-0-0 / 0974164100

ISBN-13: 978-0-9741641-0-6 / 9780974164106
Educating Your Child in Modern Times : Raising an Intelligent, Sovereign, & Ethical Human Being by J ... more » ohn Taylor Gatto, Hamza Yusuf Hanson, Nabila Hanson and Dorothy Sayers. These essays are required reading for parents concerned about their child's education. Jon Taylor Gatto gives some insights into the "dumbing down" of America. Hamza Yusuf Hanson delves into the spiritual reasons for an education, Nabila Hanson speaks to the traditional wisdom of delaying formal education, and Dorothy Sayers, concisely and humorously, describes the classical education children used to receive in this country. John Taylor Gatto: A Short Angry History of Compulsory Schooling John Taylor Gatto explains in detail why you need to seriously consider other options besides public schools and private schools imitating public schools. Hamza Yusuf Hanson: New Lamps for Old Hamza Yusuf will explain the importance of education from a spiritual perspective. Dorothy Sayers: The Lost Tools of Learning Dorothy Sayers will give you a complete understanding of the importance of a classical education; the western model closest to the Islamic understanding of education. Nabila Hanson: When Play is Work "Our religious teaching clearly advises us to let our children play for the first seven years. Yet, most American Muslim children are in 1st grade in a public or private school by the age of six, having first spent a couple of years in pre-school programs designed to prepare them for 1st grade." « less

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"Educating Your Child in Modern Times: How to Raise an Intelligent, Sovereign & Ethical Human Being"

Source: https://www.gettextbooks.com/isbn/9780974164106/

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